TO a place where wishes may grant for limit to be stated as β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ, the Eden's Palace is an exclusive realm for several people to stay and make it their own place.

At the beginning, this place is mostly surrounds by thick mist; only to slow and steady revealed to ... what most likely explained as a jumbled mess. Most of the place are describe as bliss and cherry; while there are several four that remain as pitch black, negative.

All visitors are welcome with the guidance of each residence; except when the realm is in under construction as everything became dark and a butterfly-like light appear from the ground.

The Paracosmist

The Fragile Butterfly : Entrance
The Next Door
The Philanthropist
The Opaque -

The Magnet
The Vixen -
The Rose : Security ( ??? ; Alter One, Two )
The Ringmaster

The Cassa-Phoenix / ??
The Wanderer
The Quiescent
The Polymath

The Mooncalf -
The Orphic ? -
The Flaneur
The Gallant

The Crown -
The Glory

( - ) : for the pitch black resident
( ? ) : for the resident that allies with The Reader

Whoa, so you manage to find this page; after all. Congratulations, I suppose?

To make things simpler; there is one inhabitant that I treasure the most. It is The Rose.

Female, taller than me, yet I know that she and I hold something far greater. Perhaps, this is due to plenty stuff that bound happened in the past. She currently became my neighborhood, which is to my relieve, or do ... ' they ' even expect them to be happen?

' They ' still a bit wary although I show less enthusiasm each seconds regarding my life. Let us not go to powers, yes? To abuse them was not what I wanted in the first place, but it was already in my own blood.

So I did of what I could done best: to bind her. Whatever path shall come truth, I will be with her.